Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Return To Life Psychedelia

"Let me hear you sound off
Let them know how you feel
If the anger inside is real
Long before the bridges are burned
The powers that be are going to hear your words
Have you been heard
Have you been walking around this world misunderstood
Have you been heard
You got to take back what you know is yours
Let me hear you sound off!"
- Sound Off by Trapt

So here we are. I'm sitting in an uncomfortable chair in Res at Rhodes University and I do believe my left arse-cheek has fallen asleep. But that's not what this blog is about, although there probably will be more sexual references and obscene language to follow in this, and subsequent, blogs.

So without further fannying about, I declare the Volver a la Vida blog open!

I entitled my blog "Volver a la Vida" for a couple of reasons. In English, it means Return To Life (well that's what Google Translate told me; you guys should totally check it out, you can make it say the Fuck word and everything!). I decided to use Spanish for the title because I felt that the Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish and Latin names were a bit impractical albeit really interesting and different.

Anyway, concerning the reasons for naming the blog "Volver a la Vida":

Often it happens that we become disconnected from life. People would rather tweet on Twitter, being complete twits, whilst waiting in a long cue rather than actually just standing there and observing the surroundings or the goings-on of everyone else's everyday life. Let's be serious now, who is going to care if your bored standing in line at the bank? I know standing in lines is boring and arduous, but never forget Rule #32 of Zombieland: Enjoy the little things.

 This is a blank space

When I say disconnected I am not just talking about shutting yourself in your room and not emerging for twenty years. Being disconnected can be anything that affects you negatively like fights with friends, work, breaking a leg, work, a family member passing away (touch wood/bang on metal) and work are all things that disconnect us.

This blog will focus on the three most important things in my life. The Triumvirate are: Family (which includes friends because they are family), Music (see Avenged Sevenfold above, MY FAVOURITE BAND OF ALL TIME !..!) and Creativity.

The Return To Life Psychedelia

Psychedelia is defined by the dictionary as music, culture, or art based on the experiences produced by psychedelic drugs, such drugs being hallucinatory. You could take the title literally and believe that I am in fact supremely baked as I write this twaddle but that would be rather narrow-minded. The Psychedelia represents who I am. There is nothing better than doing dumb stuff with friends (like shouting "PENIS!" in public), rocking out to music (just ask the regular attendees of the gym I go to) and creating stories that screw around with people's minds.

My Psychedelia is what this blog is for. This blog will serve as my hub of creativity where I will post everything from music reviews to creative writings to simple life experiences. I would love to hear criticism (contrcutive or not) on my work. If you want to tell me how shit my work is, it's chilled. There's no holds barred here.

My sister's dog Billy opening his presents on Christmas Day

I started this post with some of Trapt's lyrics. I felt that they best summarised what Volver a la Vida is all about. This is a place where everyone's voice will be heard, no matter what you have to say. I believe that everything from the inanimate soil to the omnipotent God must be told of who you are. No one can tell you who you are, so don't let them.

On that note I would like to complete my first blog post with a quote (found in the Metal documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey) from one of my personal heroes, Necrobutcher of Mayhem, which I feel pretty much summarises the way I live my life: (the interview can be found here)

"We are pretty true to ourselves
We never bargain with our stuff, ya know
We just release it!
If people don't like it then fuck them! Ya know?
We never negotiate or come to terms
FUCK YOU! Ya know what I mean?"